Toyota Event data Recorder Reading of electronic data with BOSCH CDR




Toyota Event data Recorder

Reading of electronic data with BOSCH CDR

vom 08. bis 09. February 2019


Place of training is the Sheraton Hotel on the Frankfurt Airport



Beginn: Friday, 08. February 2019, 09:00 to 18 o´clock or longer


Basics and details

Geert Fagniart
Basic explanation of Toyotas philosophy
Analysing of complicated accidents, finding the time line, range of sensors, satelite sensors, roll over detection, collision with motorcycle, bycicle, pedestrians etc.


Heinz Burg
IbB Engineering



Collision analysis and calculation with PC Crash
















Friday, 08. February 2019, 09:00 to 18:00 o´clock or longer




09:00 h


Welcome and introduction

Dr. Heinz Burg, IbB

09:10 h





Basic knowledge

Geert Fagniart, TME Brussels



1.5 h


10:30 h


Coffee break

11:00 h





Vehicle Control History and Toyota Tech Stream

Geert Fagniart, TME Brussels



1.5 h

12:30 h



13:15 h











Case interpretaions,

training and tests


Geert Fagniart, TME Brussels


Maybe calculation of EES values using longitudinal and lateral speed versus time in the crash phase.

Dr. Burg, IbB



3.5 h

16:00 Uhr


Coffee break

18:00 Uhr


End of the first day







Saturday, 09. February 2019, 09:00 to 16 o´clock


09:00 h



Presentation of a case where two cars collide and both cars were accessible with CDR

Massimo Dalessi, Tessin CH


0.5 h


09:30 h




Collection of CDR Data by Accident research Group
in Dresden, Germany

Henrik Liers, CEO, VUFO


0.5 h

10:00 h


Case studies

Dirk Christiaens, Belgium

0.75 h

10:45 Uhr


Kaffeepause / Coffee break

11:15 Uhr




Case studies

Dirk Christiaens, Belgium


1,25 h


12:30 Uhr



13:30 Uhr


Case studies

Dirk Christiaens, Belgium


1.5 h

15:00 Uhr


Test and final discussion


1.0 h

16:00 h


Coffee break and End of the training











Changes of the program are possible.


Fee: 800 Euro net plus 19 % sales tax, inclusive eat and drink during the training time, payment before training, enrollment and registration: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! or

Participants max = 20 persons

Privacy declaration: The participants declare to want be published with their first name, surname and email address. Who does not want that, must contradict with the registration.


IbB Forensic, Brauneberger Straße 3,   DE-54472 Burgen

Internet:                           and

E-Mail:                                     Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!


Training hours:  first day: 09:00 til 18.00 o´clock incl. Breaks: 9:00 hours minus 1.5 hours breaks = 7.5 training hours,

second day: 09:00 til 16.00 o´clock incl. Breaks: 9:00 hours minus 1.0 hours breaks = 6 training hours.


Control of presence of the participants: Melanie Schneider, IbB Data Protection Commissioner





Termin Eigenschaften

Datum, Uhrzeit 08.02.2019 9:00 am
Termin-Ende 09.02.2019 3:00 pm
max. Teilnehmer 20
aktuelle Teilnehmer 20 [View List]
verfügbare Plätze 0
Stichtag, Anmeldungsende 07.02.2019
Einzelpreis 800.00 € netto zzgl. 19 % MWSt.
Ort Sheraton Hotel Frankfurt Airport
Attachment Programm Toyota EDR CDR-04.pdf
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